          最佳的關係是雙方彼此相愛,超過雙方彼此需索~達賴喇嘛對2006年的談話"生活方針" 達賴喇嘛對2006年的談話,"生活方針" Instruction for life 生活方針 1.Take into account that great love and great achienements involve great risk. 要了解,偉大的愛情與偉大的成就都蘊含著大風險. 2.When you lose, do 花蓮民宿 not lost the lesson. 當你失敗時,別忘了其中的教訓. 3.Follow the three rules. Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions. 遵守三個原則,尊重自己,尊重他人,對個人的一切行 婚禮顧問為負起責任. 4.Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. 別忘了,塞翁失馬,焉知非福. 5.Learn that rules so you know how to break them properly. 先學得規則,才會知道如何適切地打破成規. 6.Do not 票貼 let a little dispute injure a great relationship. 別讓小小的爭執傷害深厚的關係. 7.When you realize you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 發現自己犯了錯誤,立即採取補救措施. 8.Spend some time alone every day. 每天花點時間?烤肉W處. 9.Open arms to change, but do not let go of your values. 擁抱改變,但也要堅守個人價值觀. 10.Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 請牢記,保持緘默有時是最好的回答. 11.Live a good, honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you will b 酒店工作e able to enjoy it a second time. 生活誠實正直,那麼你年老時回看它,你將對那事是喜悅的. 12.A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. 家中充滿愛,是您這一生的基石. 13.In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Do not bring up the past. 和親人 禮服有爭執時,僅論現在時刻的問題,別翻舊帳. 14.Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality. 和他人分享知識.這是朝向永生不朽之路. 15.Be gentle with the earth. 善待地球. 16.Once a year, go someplace you have never been before. 每年去一個您從未去過的地方. 17.Remember that the best relationship is G2000one in which you love for each other exceeds your need for each other. 記住,最佳的關係是指,雙方彼此相愛,超過雙方彼此需索. 18.Judge your success by that you had to give up in order to get it. 判斷你多成功,可以去衡量為了要獲得成功時,所需忍痛放棄的. 19.Approach love and cooking with reckless abandom. 愛和烹飪一樣,在於盡情盡性?吳哥窟a去做. simonsaid賽門說: 1.曾經也感覺到,在您週遭的人,不論表面看起來是多光鮮或多失落(感情上的失落,事業上的失落等),周遭的人都對你有許許多多的需求.即是您誤以為您是有需求於他. 另聽一位OT(心靈修練者)說,某階段的OT聽析,幾乎就是包容與和平為主題,此讓我想到此,或許多去包容體諒,多去愛且是非自私的愛,以超過需索,而此就是朝最佳關係之路. 2.曾聽一位OT(心靈修練者)說,他需天人交戰一 21世紀房屋仲介些事,因為此些對他是如此誘人,或許爬地越高,會遇到的誘惑會愈大,而有些的誘惑卻大到足以滿足他所欠缺的,大到足以讓他自欺欺人地說服自己,此可以幫助他達到更高一階且更利於眾生的修行. 所以,判斷您有多成功,或許是從您拒絕了多少誘惑去計算,而此些誘惑似乎是"成功"的捷徑.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝  .

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